The housekeeping staff diligently clean every room in Braemar. Each resident’s room has the floor mopped, garbage emptied and a general tidying done daily. There is a carbolizing schedule in place for deep cleaning of resident rooms which includes cleaning the walls and draperies.
Laundry Services
Braemar supplies all bed linen, bedspreads, drapes, towels, and facecloths however residents are encouraged to bring their own favorite comforter, bedspread, or afghan if desired.
Personal laundry is picked up on a daily basis, washed and returned to resident’s room within 24 hours. Upon admission all clothing, personal bedding, etc. will be labeled with the resident’s name using a hot seal label. If additional clothing is brought in, please leave it with the Nurisng staff to be labelled right away. Braemar uses a commercial system so please make sure that clothing is machine washable. All laundry services are provided at no additional cost to the resident.
If you notice that you are missing an item, laundry staff will try to locate it for you. A request can be made in person to identify a lost article by looking through the “Lost and Found”. Periodically, we display clothing from the lost and found, that has no identification for owners to claim. We have also been known to post pictures of clothing on Facebook. Any leftover items will be disposed of after this notice.
Maintenance staff are on site and ensure that both the interior and exterior of the building is maintained. With our person-centered philosophy, we encourage residents to bring in items from home that will make their room here have a homier feel. Our maintenance staff will help arrange resident furniture, hang televisions, hook up cable, hang pictures and other items on the wall. Maintenance staff will also be available to fix any reported repairs if they are able to do so. All electronic appliances must be CSA approved and will be assessed for safety by our maintenance staff. Periodically, maintenance staff may assess the safety of current electrical items in the home as well. If any electrical item is deemed unsafe by the maintenance staff, it will not be permitted to be used. To request assistance from the maintenance staff, you can contact the Environmental Services Manager.