What is a Best Spotlight Organization (BPSO)?
The Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO) was launched in 2003 as a strategy to support best practice guidelines (BPGs), rapid learning and evidence-based practice, to optimize health outcomes. BPSO designation is an opportunity for health services to formally partner with the RNAO over a three-year designation period. In this time the organization must implement at least 3 BPGs and sustain the change in practice. If all conditions are met the candidate will be awarded the designation of: RNAO Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO).
Currently there are more than 1500 of Best Practice Spotlight Organizations around the world in Canada, Chile, Africa, The United States and Australia. In 2023 there will be one more added to the list of spotlight organizations, Braemar Retirement Centre.
Health care is always changing, research never stops, and the RNAO assists nurses in providing evidence-based practice by creating BPGs. They are a tool to guide nursing practice and decision making, the content of each BPG is compiled from research around the world and reviewed by a panel of experts. BPGs are created to support many areas of practice from smoking cessation to falls prevention, end of life care and even care transitions.
We have chosen guidelines to implement that best correspond with the culture of our home and the needs of the residents living within our home. As part of our BPSO journey we will be training “Champions” to support the guidelines we are implementing. Over the last 3 years we have trained over 25 staff members of our Braemar team of which we currently have 16 active champions. Our goal is to create a space of celebration, joy, and happiness. A space in which the resident’s living within the home feel at home. To create a space of engagement and empowerment, not only for the individuals living within the home, but the individuals working within the home as well. We are thrilled to make a positive difference in our Braemar community through evidenced-based practices.
In Year One we implemented both “Person and Family Centered Care” and “Falls Prevention”
Person and Family Centered Care
- Personalized resident care plans
- Restructured care conferences; where we ask the resident who they would like to attend.
- Identified each resident’s preferred name and strive to call them only by that name.
- Created “I Am” Videos, where residents are able to share their story and provide a legacy video for their families.
- Recreation programming has become more resident centered; we adjust and modify programs for individual residents attending the program.
- Recreation involves the residents in the planning, organization and decorating for events.
- Implemented new All About Me’s
Falls Prevention
- Developed a new falls prevention screening tool, used on admission, to flag residents at high risk of falls. Changed to RNAO clinical pathways.
- Improved assessments post falls, to collect the most accurate data.
- Meet to problem solve solutions to possible prevent future falls.
In Year Two we implemented “A Palliative Approach to Care” and “End of life Care” in combined efforts.
- Thorough end of life wishes form filled out at 6-week care conference, so resident’s wishes are known.
- Included the wishes for honor guard music in the form.
- Palliative performance scale completed on admission, quarterly, and with any significant change in health status.
- Palliative care room renamed ‘The Serenity Room’.
- New Serenity room moved to a larger space to allow enough room for family.
- Grief resources and toiletry items available for all families and visitors
- Creation of table settings to advise co-residents of resident’s end of life status and resident’s passing.
- During end-of-life, a teacup will be placed at the residents table in the dining room.
- After the resident passes the teacup will be replaced with a battery lit candle for 3 meals.
In Year Three our goal was to sustain the changes and continue the practice change.
By the end of the third year, we were able to meet all the requirements moving into designation. 5 Staff from Braemar will be going to attend the BPSO Designation Ceremony on June 22nd and will be receiving our certificate. It is a very proud moment for the Braemar family to have this accomplished during the pandemic. The team stayed strong and was willing to work towards the goal, which we have achieved!
In 2023-2024, Post Designation we will enter into a 2 year contract with the RNAO to further expand our achievements.
We plan on working on “Pressure Injuries” next so that we can capture the changes that we are already making with the new Skin and Wound App. We hope to evolve with any practice changes that are needed to meet the recommendations.
As part of our work with RNAO, we are also implementing “Clinical Pathways”. Clinical pathways are based on the RNAO’s Best Practice Guidelines, and it is delivered by Point Click Care’s new Nursing Advantage platform. The assessments provided by them captures a lot of data that helps to make the care plan person centered and is developed in a way so that the recommendations/requirements are met through these assessments.
BPSO Kickoff

Champion Masquerade Party

Year Two – Canada Day

Designation Celebration in Toronto